Sunday, November 25, 2007

Question 4

Does it seem right for one to think Naomi and Owen could ever be seperated?


Melody F said...

In my opinion, I think Naomi and Owen should never be separated. They were always there for each other. It would be hard to go through the things they did, but one coudl not separate from someone they were with the whole time. When Skyla hurt Naomi and when Skyla made fun of Owen, they always defended one another. It seems they were very close and could relate. I would not wnat them to be separated.

Ally W said...

I do not think that Naomi and Owen should be seperated. Each one accented the other, and made the other who they are now. They were the perfect brother and sister and they were very close. Even with an age difference, and Owen's disability, they would still hangout together and do many things together. So no, i do not think that they should be seperated.